...the shop with sports souvenirs!
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The new online store FanObchod.cz provides its visitors and customers a lot of novelties. About the biggest news you can read below.

Team page | Team information | Loyalty program | Availability of goods | Sale | Sorting goods | Languages, currencies | News | Questionnaire | Sending news | Competition

Team page

Every sports team and league has its own separate page. As an example the NHL, where you can choose from teams currently playing in the NHL, but also from historical hockey teams or some representation. Team bars can be handled by using the left and right arrow and then select a team you want to see. (The only difference you will find under „FOOTBALL“, where you must choose a specific league or a specific country where your favorite team is playing.)

Lišta týmů

Each team has its own banner, where you see the logo of the club, its name, or to what conferences or competitions the team belongs. But this team banner provides even more information. It tells you how many products we have listed under a team and how many of these products are on stock.

Banner týmu

To keep your orientation in the online store as simple as possible, we have divided the section into multiple items and marked them in the left menu titled "PRODUCTS BY SECTIONS". If you support a special player of the team you can choose products from the "PLAYERS" section. Alternatively, you can use the middle section showing pictures that directly reflect the break down of goods by sections.

Zboží podle sekcí Hráči Sekce zboží

For each sport you can find on the main page the TOP 5 players and teams sorted by the amount of sold goods. You can see whether your favorite one is also one of the most popular players or teams. (The exception is NASCAR, where only drivers are listed.)

Top prodeje


Team information

For each team we have listed a brief text, so that also the less knowledgeable fans can get new information.

Informace o týmu


Loyalty program

The loyalty program is an important novelty for all the customers of the e-shop FanObchod.cz. A complete description can be found on a separate page HERE, where all frenquently asked questions are answered.

Věrnostní program - ikonka - icon of the loyalty program. Next to this icons you can see how many reward points you receive for the purchase of souvenirs. Subsequently, these points can be used to purchase souvenirs.


Availability of goods

The change consists in the fact that the customer can immediately see whether goods are on stock or need to be on order. For a quick initial information we used two icons with thumb up.
Zboží skladem - ikonka - Goods on stock
Zboží na objednávku - ikonka - Goods to order

Icons are placed in the product view, as you can see in the picture below.

Dostupnost zboží



For all discounted goods the product view contains icons with the percentage of discount for goods on sale. At a glance you can see whether or not products are on stock, how many loyalty points you receive by purchasing and the possible amount of discounts on goods.
Sleva - ikonka - Amount of discount for goods


Sorting goods

When you are in a section of goods you can quickly filter products by several possibilities.
a) Sort goods by adding data, price or name.
b) You can choose from sorting ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A)
c) You can choose the number of products on a page between 15, 30 or 60.
d) If you only want to see products that we have on stock simply tick the box "On stock".

Filtrování zboží


Languages, currencies

In order to reach more customers and increase their comfort while shopping, we decided to build an online store with multiple languages (besides Czech you can switch also to German and English). This is related to the currency in which you can purchase. Now you can buy not only in Czech Crowns (CZK), but also in Euros (€). A change of language and currency can be performed in the top right corner of the internet shop.



Our visitors and customers have always been used to receive information on what's new in the online store on the main page. This does not change. We have only moved the information from the middle of the main page to the right menu where you will see the latest updates. And in case that you missed any of the news, just click on news.



Recently we have placed questionnaires on the internet shop. The current one is available on the main page and we will be more than happy if you answer it.


Sending news

Our customers have been used to the fact, that we do not bother them with unnecessary emails, but only inform them really just about the most important. On the bottom of the left menu is a box where you can fill in your email and sign up to receive the most important news and events that FanObchod.cz online store offers its customers. (If you have already a registered account and would like to subscribe to email information, do so in editing your registered account.)

Zasílání novinek



FanObchod.cz brings its customers and also for visitors the opportunity to compete for loyalty points and/or souvenirs. Please find competition HERE.

2. 8. 2024

Added new soccer items.

31. 7. 2024

Added new soccer items.

27. 7. 2024

Added new soccer items.

21. 7. 2024

Added new soccer items.

9. 6. 2024

Added new soccer items.

6. 6. 2024

Added new soccer items.

12. 5. 2024

We currently ship orders once every two weeks. Thank you for your understanding.

12. 5. 2024

Added new soccer items.

12. 5. 2024

Added new NHL collection 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs Slogan T-Shirt.

11. 5. 2024

Added new soccer items.

AdidasAntiguaBleacher CreaturesBulletinCalhounCCMCollege ConceptsCopaCoverooCufflinks Inc
DiadoraFilaFootball CultureFor Bare FeetForever CollectiblesFranklinFruit of the LoomG-IIIHummelChase Authentics
JAKOJF Sports CanadaJH DesignJunk FoodKappaLevelwearLittle EarthLogoArtLottoMacron
MajesticMcArthurMitchell & NessMounted MemoriesMustangNew EraNikeOld Time HockeyPaniniPhoto File
PumaRed JacketReebokRiddellSherwoodSiskiyouSkootzSpaldingSpawnSportiqe
Sports CoverageSteiner SportsThe Hockey NewsThree60 GearUhlsportUltimate Sports KitUmbroUnder ArmourVineyard VinesVOmax
WarriorWinCraftZephyr'47 Brand5th & Ocean

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